منتديات الجنة

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منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    IraqNews|Leader of the Sadrist movement reveals crimes death squads of the owners in Karbala

    نائب المدير العام
    نائب المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 19/06/2009
    العمر العمر : 30
    المساهمات المساهمات : 14331
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 31718
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 99

    IraqNews|Leader of the Sadrist movement reveals crimes death squads of the owners in Karbala Empty IraqNews|Leader of the Sadrist movement reveals crimes death squads of the owners in Karbala

    مُساهمة من طرف AlJna 2012-08-25, 11:46 pm

    IraqNews|Leader of the Sadrist movement reveals crimes death squads of the owners in Karbala

    Karbala. Network
    Akhbaralarac - unfold day after day volume of crimes committed by the
    Dawa Party and its leader, Nouri al-Maliki against innocent Iraqis in
    different parts of Iraq has highlighted Jawad al-Hasnawi deputy governor
    of Karbala leader of the Sadrist lights on the crimes and violations
    taken by the executive in the province of Karbala revealed Jawad
    al-Hasnawi for the
    names of the leaders of the death squads in Karbala, who have several
    crimes and violations in Karbala and other cities in central and
    southern Iraq, including the murder of six members of the family Clan
    Ganabat (Sunni) who had been detained in the prisons of Karbala .. When
    they raided a patrol of police appointed dates the second day of the
    month of January 2006, accompanied by a group of party militias
    controlling the Karbala and death squad leaders in the province and
    announced Hasnawi names of some of the leaders of the death squads in
    Karbala, saying ... there are death squads formed in Karbala and began
    to implement crimes
    in the city and other cities of central and southern race, including
    Abbas Basil nicknamed (Abbas emergency)! Mohammed Hamid Hashem
    provincial council member and Abbas Hamid Hashim, Major Ali Hamid Hashem
    commanding the Third Regiment emergency and Majed Abdul Abbas and Ahmed
    Falah Bustnge and Yasser Ckal and Ahmed Staarohaidar Abdul Abbas and
    Ali Saleh
    and Baqer Haidaromahmod gift and Imad Emory and grace flood and Jaber
    Abdul Abbas and Haider Damd and Ali Zughaibi and Captain Rushdie Hamid
    Dlabes and Haider Abbasseya and carpets Abdul Hadi .. who raided the
    desert areas of Palmqala They were accompanied by police chief appointed
    dates submitted (martyr) and arrested six citizens of (our Sunni
    brothers) were
    sent to the Directorate of Police appointed pass and the next day get
    out of the police directorate mentioned. said Jawad al-Hasnawi. said
    that the detainees were handed over to members of these militias of the
    leaders of the death squads illegally and taken to the headquarters of
    the party (by invitation) Islamic spend (Touirij) and there were orders
    بتصفيتهم were rushed to the area (Khan quarter) were executed there by
    the leaders of the previously mentioned death squads. Hasnawi confirmed
    that the death squad leaders mentioned exploited their relationship with
    the Ministry of Interior and kinship link with large heads and (whales)
    influential in the central government! -
    Vashaawa then that the Major Crimes Directorate have killed those six
    people, but she wants coincidence that one of the policemen gave a tip
    as a witness secret to the court asserting that the استلمتهم is Police
    Directorate eye pass was promulgated an arrest warrant for police chief
    appointed pass and admitted then handed over to a group of death squads Following
    this recognition serious and important was assassinated police chief
    appointed pass on the second day of his confession by those teams! When
    continued lawsuit was separated police chief crimes of office and after
    confirmation of director of the provincial police Brig Razzak al to
    pursue this case was isolated letter issued by the prime
    minister was delaying the issue but raised in the provincial council
    and in the presence of 36 members, among them Karbala Governor Aqil
    al-Khazali During the meeting, to indict one of the members of the
    Council, who leads one of the death squads (Mohammed Hamid Hashem) being
    one of the shareholders in the killing of six of Ganabat! He confessed to the council to kill them because they (years old)! He
    was asked .. They are killing our children and our people and
    threatened each side is trying to continue the investigation and have
    already wrapped up the case and information confirms that the father of
    one of the six made a complaint to the Court of Karbala blazing in the
    darkness of secret prisons limit today! Their reasons for not provoked
    this topic at the time .. said Jawad al-Hasnawi, deputy governor of Karbala and the leader of the Sadrist movement .. We
    have suspended our membership in the Council we and eight other members
    of Parliament and personally addressed many destinations as well as the
    prime minister and came to a committee headed by Salam al to
    investigate and did not do anything! And
    have raised the subject again Vtm season Mahdi Saleh al-Araji, director
    of crimes either witness in this case President Hassan al-Araji, a
    member of the provincial council were arrested before the period.
    Commenting on this crime as well as Mr. Ghalib Daami Chairman of the
    Media Committee and a member of the Karbala Provincial Council .. Saying:
    When we learned crime asked to convene an emergency session of the
    provincial council and when she learned the parties the case asked that
    the meeting will be held in the house of provincial council chairman
    Aqeel Al-Zubaidi and attendance was 23 members have been indicted
    provincial council member (Mohammed Hamid Hashem) leader of the Dawa
    Party, killing innocent six and committing other
    crimes escalated speech here and there between the defender Mohammed
    Hamid Hashim and the striker has and asked submitted (martyr) police
    chief appointed pass to testify so he submitted to defend himself and
    threw the charge on the council member (Mohammed Hamid Hashem) Fahaddh
    publicly and on its impact has been a formal indictment by
    members of the Council to the (Mohammed Hamid) to open an investigation
    and after the meeting a second meeting between the President of the
    Council Aqil al-Zubaidi and the Deputy Governor Jawad al-Hasnawi and
    Hussein Al Shammari Council member and Hamid Knuh Council member and one
    of the leaders of death squads and a member of the Council also
    Mohammed Hamid and Lt. Col. Shahid stood Mohammed Hamid beg the deposit Shahid
    not to raise the crime because it would lead to their imprisonment,
    said Jawad al-Hasnawi I resign and in front of God be in the fire if not
    explained the facts .. The
    meeting ended. And follow Ghalib Daami by saying .. continued follow us
    to the issue and has held several meetings to consider the heinous
    crime and forced Jawad al-Hasnawi to resign in one of the sessions
    formally from office because of the lack of seriousness investigation
    and punish the criminals and already raised this crime to the Interior
    Ministry on one occasion told Jawad
    al-Hasnawi Maliki personally during his visit to Karbala full details
    and promised Maliki then open an investigation subject, but this is not
    done, but on the contrary pulled files full of court and Crimes
    Directorate but we still have the original file of the investigation
    until suitable conditions for submission to the judicial authorities .. Because
    it can not be Muslim blood never be lost .. and charged with some
    members of the provincial council assassination submitted a martyr .. He
    accused untrue and represents Tmsa the truth while the perpetrators
    remained free were not prosecuted and I want to emphasize that there is
    in Karbala 44 people of the sons of the year imprisoned without guilt
    and they were initially more than this number, then take the number
    decreases pretext released but In
    fact they are killing and throwing bodies in the streets under the
    slogan of unidentified and everyone knows has let us know the government
    several times our position official on these crimes and evidence of my
    words this session of the provincial council registered Vdyoya which we
    draw the accusation directly to the gloss over such crimes, whether
    Karbala governor or other members
    of the provincial council involved in such crimes and that Sankhvha to
    the media soon to know the people of the elected and their
    representatives from the criminals and murderers! either Mr. Ahmad
    Husseini, a member of the provincial council and director of the Office
    of Martyr al-Sadr for two years, he said .. After that make sure us that
    the notes issued right is forged
    we filed a complaint against the governor and police chief and some
    members of death squads for forgery issued a arrest warrants against
    them on the twelfth of November and today we demand Maliki
    implementation of these notes and the arrest of his close associates
    from his (Dawa) is nothing to him onion kinship and law enforcement
    against them to take justice The way justice .. And
    after obtaining arrest warrants met the President of the Republic, who
    revealed to us his intention to resign what happened and is happening at
    a time is the President of the Republic! Lula
    said the circumstances surrounding Iraq submitted my resignation as a
    result of what happened in Karbala and crimes face of the probe and the
    execution of arrest warrants! He
    drew a letter to the Minister of the Interior to implement those notes
    and a copy of the directive was sent to the Prime Minister .. Also
    let us know by Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi about it and ordered the
    formation of committees investigative and brief him on the results and
    then we had a meeting with Dr. Iyad Allawi and Saleh al-Mutlaq, Nassar
    al-Rubaie, Salim Abdullah al-Jubouri and Mithal al-Alusi and political
    figures many to learn the names of the leaders of the death squads in
    Karbala who liquidated and the dimensions of the line rib and
    exclude them and throw them in prison and expelled from Karbala to keep
    the city to others, and to those who carry out and to this day agenda
    Iranian تزودوا them when they enter into Iraq after 9 April 2003 and
    reduce today no government move a finger toward these criminals from
    death squad leaders who are still engaged in raids and assassinations,
    arrests and rape
    against women in prisons and in the raids. Today we demand the
    application of the law to everyone, not just the poor and vulnerable! I
    have had death squads in Karbala burned and destroyed more than 145
    houses and killed more than 200 citizen and arrested 1600 people since
    the visit Alcabanih and until today we have information on the arrest of
    more than 12 women and the arrest of elders over the age of eighty
    years! P Where references and Where is the government and where justice
    and law, which was Being in Karbala today

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-10-18, 1:17 pm