منتديات الجنة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    free download House of the Dead

    .::عضو محترف::.
    .::عضو محترف::.

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 13/10/2011
    العمر العمر : 54
    المساهمات المساهمات : 710
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 2010
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 27

    free download House of the Dead Empty free download House of the Dead

    مُساهمة من طرف news 2012-08-22, 4:55 am

    free download House of the Dead
    free download House of the Dead House_of_the_dead-182676-1
    The House of the Dead is a rail shooter light gun game.
    Players use a light gun (or mouse, in the PC version) to aim and shoot
    at approaching enemies. The characters' pistols use magazines, and are
    required to reload once each magazine is empty. A set of torches next to
    the magazine of each player represents remaining health. When a player
    is hurt or shoots a civilian, one of their torches is removed,
    signifying damage. A player is dead when all torches are lost. A player
    may then continue by inserting more credits, if playing on an arcade
    machine, and pressing the "continue" or "start" button. There are
    first-aid packs available throughout the game that will restore one
    torch. These are found either in the possession of civilians that the
    player has rescued or inside breakable objects. Similarly, there are
    also special items located in breakable objects that will grant a bonus
    to whoever shoots it.

    Throughout the course of the game, players
    are given numerous situations in which their actions will have an effect
    on the direction of gameplay. For instance, in the beginning of the
    game, a civilian is about to be thrown off the bridge to his death. If
    players save the civilian, they will enter the house directly through
    the front door; however, if the civilian dies, players are redirected to
    an underground route through the sewers. This branching path system was
    also implemented in the sequels.

    Download Now
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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-09-18, 6:43 pm