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MiniLyrics v7.6.31 Full Version
طريقة ظهور الكلمات هناك
ست طرق أو خمس جميلة جداَ
تستطيع تغيير درجة الشفافية واضحه جدا و ممكن تخليها شفافه شويه
تستطيع تغيير لون الكلام بالصورة هو اللون الأحمر لكن انا أحب اللون الذهبي
لوحة تحكم خاصة بالألوان ونوع الخط يعني تختار الي يعجبك
معلومة مهمة: البرناج عملياَ يقوم بجلب الكلمات من الأنترنت هناك مرات تكون الأغنية او النشيد مثلاَ اسمها غريب ويجب فتح البرنامج يدويا ومن بحث ادخل اسم الاغنية او النشيد يدويا واضغط على بحث ليقوم هو بإظهار الكلمات لهذا الاغنية او النشيد ونختار الكلمات ذات اعلى تتقيم مثل 5.5
وبعدها تحفظ تلقائيا ولا داعي للبحث عن الكلمات كل مرة تقوم فيها بتشغيل البرنامج
البعض منا يسمع الأغاني الأجنبيه ويحبها جدا لكنه للأسف لايفهم الكلام الذي يقال
الان تستطيع قرائة كلمات الاغنية وهى شغالة
للتحميل باقصى سرعة استخدم اخر اصدار داونلود مع برنامج باتش مدى الحياة IDM من هنا
شرح التفعيل :
بعد تثبيت البرنامج
أغلق البرنامج و ركب الباتش بعد فتحه
تجده مفعّل ، بالتوفيق إن شاء الله .
لفك الضغط بدون مشاكل استخدم برنامج winrar من هنا
Minilyrics - a small add-on the most popular media progryvatelyami, including Winamp, Aimp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, foobar2000, and many other well-known media player that allows you to see the text of any songs that are currently playing. In fact, its function is just a sequential display lyrics while playing it. If you have an Internet connection, this small utility to easily find the lyrics of different ispolniteley.Stoit give you a team player to play songs like MiniLyrics immediately find the text and will display it in a special window. That line, which the musician performs at the moment, will be highlighted, so you can easily come to the right place. MiniLyrics will be useful and if you just can not make out the words on hearing a song that is performed on a foreign language.
The program finds and displays the words of a song that is played using the player Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, MusicMatch Jukebox, Quintessenial Player, foobar2000, and RealOne and others. The program synchronizes the lyrics, which is displayed on the screen with the words, which says the performer. Thus, Minilyrics can be used to sing a favorite artist, and to move songs to make out the words that you do not understand. MiniLyrics is also very useful for people learning a foreign language. You can set the slide show as background, the option underscores lyrics, album art downloading in the background. You can also enable and disable the display of information about the artist and song.
Display lyrics for your favorite music!
Lyrics plugin software for iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, etc. You do not need to change the way you enjoy music.
Display scrolling lyrics, you can follow along with the artist and catch every word.
Automatically search and download lyrics.
Huge lyrics database, and it is expanding every day.
Download and save lyrics in your song files, you can view it on your iPod or iPhone.
Amazing translucency skins.
Automatic lyrics display for your favorite songs
Never expired trial version
Cool skins
Wild compatibility for 13 players
MiniLyrics supports:
Windows Media Player
Apple iTunes
Quintessential Player
Musicmatch Jukebox
The KMPlayer
Yahoo! Music Engine
J. River Media Center
J. River Media Jukebox
Date: 16/06/2013
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MiniLyrics v7.6.31 Full
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MiniLyrics v7.6.31 Full
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MiniLyrics v7.6.31 Full