منتديات الجنة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    Izzat al-Duri spend the first day of Ramadan in the city of Kadhimiya

    نائب المدير العام
    نائب المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 19/06/2009
    العمر العمر : 30
    المساهمات المساهمات : 14331
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 31718
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 99

    Izzat al-Duri spend the first day of Ramadan in the city of Kadhimiya Empty Izzat al-Duri spend the first day of Ramadan in the city of Kadhimiya

    مُساهمة من طرف AlJna 2012-08-25, 11:48 pm

    Izzat al-Duri spend the first day of Ramadan in the city of Kadhimiya

    Baghdad: Iraq News Network - spent deputy chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council Izzat Ibrahim's former first day of the holy month of Ramadan roving Kadhimiya in north-west of the capital Baghdad. The source told very close league who currently holds the position of Secretary General of the Arab Baath Socialist Party that the league arrived in Kadhimiya car loaded with sophistication and after visiting the shrine of Imam Kadhim and toured in various parts of the city from the breakfast and even suhur moved to Adhamiya district Petksa. He said the league, which is the most wanted of the Maliki government met during his stay in the Adhamiya district with a number of figures and discussed with them the situation in the country and how to escalate the jihad in order to change the status quo. Then prayed the dawn prayer crowd at the shrine of Imam Abu Hanifa. The source confirmed that Izzat al-Duri, who bias decided to spend the entire month of Ramadan in Baghdad, a wandering accompanied by only two people. The source challenged security authorities for the Maliki government to arrest the league because of the protection is the people he put

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-10-18, 1:18 pm