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منتديات الجنة

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    free Download Battlefield 2 for pc

    ♥ﻣـ`ﺣـ`ـﻤــڍ ♥ٱڷــبغدادﮯ♥
    ♥ﻣـ`ﺣـ`ـﻤــڍ ♥ٱڷــبغدادﮯ♥
    المدير العام
    المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 19/06/2009
    العمر العمر : 28
    المساهمات المساهمات : 4547
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 9969
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 51

    free Download Battlefield 2 for pc Empty free Download Battlefield 2 for pc

    مُساهمة من طرف ♥ﻣـ`ﺣـ`ـﻤــڍ ♥ٱڷــبغدادﮯ♥ 2012-08-22, 6:54 am

    free Download Battlefield 2 for pc

    free Download Battlefield 2 for pc Battlefield-66440-1

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    Click Here

    The award-winning Battlefield franchise invades the high tech frontlines of Modern Warfare in the new sequel, Battlefield 2?. The game brings the intensity and excitement of Battlefield 1942? into the modern era with enhanced team play and the latest, most technologically advanced Vehicles and weapons systems available to man.

    In Battlefield 2,
    players will choose to fight for one of three military superpowers: the
    United States, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition.
    Armed with the latest modern weaponry, players can take control of any
    of the game?s 30+ vehicles to engage in major conflicts with over 64
    players in some of the largest online battles on the PC. Additionally,
    persistent character growth allows players to rise through the ranks and
    attain the ultimate rank of General.

    An all-new game engine and
    physics system brings the modern battlefield to life like never before.
    The new material penetration feature measures weapons? ability to fire
    through barriers based on their composition and players will need to
    know the difference Between concealment and cover in order to survive.

    Battlefield 2
    features immense, richly detailed, destructible environments, from city
    streets to remote forests, in some of the most notorious hot spots
    around the world. Each map in Battlefield 2 adjusts in
    scale to support the number of players in the world, providing the ideal
    vehicle- to-player ratio and an optimized gameplay experience.

    team play features allow players to enter the action on the front lines
    as part of a formal squad, or work behind the scenes in Commander Mode.

    Requirements: DirectX 9.0c or higher
    Download Now
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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-09-08, 12:08 pm