منتديات الجنة

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منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    free download Pokemon - Ruby Version for GBA

    .::عضو محترف::.
    .::عضو محترف::.

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 13/10/2011
    العمر العمر : 53
    المساهمات المساهمات : 710
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 2010
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 27

    free download Pokemon - Ruby Version for GBA Empty free download Pokemon - Ruby Version for GBA

    مُساهمة من طرف news 2012-08-22, 4:41 am

    free download Pokemon - Ruby Version for GBA

    free download Pokemon - Ruby Version for GBA Pokemon_-_ruby_version_for_gba-170529-1303106854

    BSEditor: The gameplay is mostly unchanged from the previous games; the
    player controls the main character from an overhead perspective, and the
    controls are largely the same as those of previous games. As with
    previous games, the main objectives are to catch all of the Pokémon in
    the games and defeat the Elite Four (a group of Pokémon trainers); also
    like their predecessors, the games' main subplot involves the main
    character defeating a criminal organization that attempts to take over
    the region. New features, such as double battles and Pokémon abilities,
    have been added. As the Game Boy Advance is more powerful than its
    predecessors, four players may be connected at a time
    instead of the previous limit of two. Additionally, the games can be
    connected to an E-Reader or other advanced generation Pokémon games.

    Download Now
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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-07-27, 9:03 am