منتديات الجنة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    اعلان من جامعة ال USM - افتتاح التسجيل Mix and CourseWork

    نائب المدير العام
    نائب المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 19/06/2009
    العمر العمر : 30
    المساهمات المساهمات : 14331
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 31718
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 99

    اعلان من جامعة ال USM - افتتاح التسجيل Mix and CourseWork Empty اعلان من جامعة ال USM - افتتاح التسجيل Mix and CourseWork

    مُساهمة من طرف AlJna 2012-08-03, 1:08 am

    Offered by the following Schools/Centres :الاختصاصات المتوفرة


    School of Medical Sciences
    Master of Medicine / Master of Surgery / Master of Pathology /
    Master of Community Medicine
    Advanced Master of Medicine (Neurology)
    Master of Science (Sports Science) – Coursework
    Master of Science (Medical Statistics) - Research
    Master of Science (Clinical Anatomy) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Medical Education) - Mixed Mode Research
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy – Research
    Research Thrust Areas:
    -Chemical Pathology
    -Community Medicine
    -Medical Education
    -Medical Genetic
    -Medical Microbiology
    -Medical Parasitology
    -Sport Science
    -Clinical Science-Medicine
    -Clinical Science-Anaesthesiology
    -Clinical Science-Ophthamology
    -Clinical Science-Orthopaedic
    -Reconstuctive Science
    -Clinical Science-Hematology
    -Clinical Science-Orthornolaryngology
    School of Health Sciences
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy – Research
    Research Thrusts Areas
    -Forensic Sciences
    -Medical Radiation
    -Healyh Science
    School of Dental Sciences
    Master of Community Medicine (Oral Health)
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrusts Areas
    -Community Dentistry
    -Restorative Dentistry
    -Oral Biology
    -Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Master of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
    Master of Restorative Dentistry (Conservative)
    Master of Restorative Dentistry (Periodontics)
    Master of Restorative Dentistry (Prosthodontics)

    Advanced Medical and Dental Institute (AMDII)
    Master of Science (Medical Research) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Transfusion Science) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    Institute for Research In Molecular Medicine (INFORMM)
    Research Development and Postgraduate Training Activities
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrusts Areas
    - Molecular Medicine
    School of Biological Sciences
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Aquatic Biology
    -Applied Entomology
    -Environmental Biology
    -Plant Pathology
    -Marine & Coastal Biology

    Malaysian Institute of Pharmaceuticals & Nutraceuticals
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Healthcare
    Biotechnology - Research

    School of Chemical Sciences
    Master of Science (Chemical Instrumentation)- Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Organic Chemistry
    -Physical Chemistry
    -Inorganic Chemistry
    -Industrial Chemistry
    -Analytical Chemistry

    School of Mathematical Sciences
    Master of Science (Statistics & Mathematical) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Teaching of Mathematics) – Coursework
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Physics
    Master of Science (Applied Geophysics) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science(Radiation Science) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Solid State Physics) - Coursework
    Master of Science (Medical Physics)
    Coursework Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Industrial Technology
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Food Technology
    -Bioresource, Paper and Coating Technology
    -Environmental Technology

    School of Housing, Building & Planning
    Master of Science (Building Technology) - Coursework
    Master of Science (Housing) - Coursework
    Master of Science (Landscape Architecture) - Coursework
    Master of Science (Planning) – Coursework
    Master of Science (Project Management) - Coursework
    Master of Science (Tourism Development) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Building Technology
    -Project Management
    -Landscape Architecture
    -Interior Design
    -Quantity Surveying
    -Planning Studies
    -Tourism Development
    School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Doctor of Philosophy (Clinical Pharmacy) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) - Coursework
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Computer Sciences
    Master of Science (Computer Science) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Information Technology Technopreneurship) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research Centre for Languages and Translation
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    Centre for Archaeological Research Malaysia
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    School of Humanities
    Master of Arts (Linguistics & English Language) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts (Hadith)- Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts (Malay Language) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts (Literature) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts (Translation Studies) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts (Southeast Asian History) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Geographic Information Science) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Social Sciences
    Master of Social Science and Doctor of Philosophy – Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Anthropology and Sociology
    -Development Planning and Management
    -Political Science
    -Social Work
    Master of Economic Management [MEM] - Coursework
    Master of Public Administration [MPAS] - Coursework
    Master of Social Work (MSW) - Mixed Mode
    Master of International and Diplomacy Studies (European Studies) -
    Mixed Mode
    Master of Islamic Development Management - Mixed Mode

    Centre for Policy Research and International Studies
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Arts
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Research Thrust Areas
    -Drama & Theatre
    -Fine Arts
    Master of Arts (Music Pedagogy and Performance) - Mixed Mode

    Women's Development Research Centre
    Master of Social Science (Gender Studies) - Research
    Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    Centre for Instructional Technology and Multimedia
    Master of Instructional Multimedia - Coursework
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    Graduate School of Business
    Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Coursework and Online Mode
    Master of Business Administration - International Business (MBA-IB)
    Executive Master of Business Administration - Service Science Management and Engineering (EMBA-SSME)- Coursework
    Master of Business Administration - (Sustainable Development)
    Business Administration (DBA) - Coursework

    School of Management
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    School of Communication
    Master of Communication (Screen Studies) - Coursework
    Master of Communication (Science and Environmental Journalism) - Coursework
    Master of Arts (Communication) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Educational Studies
    Master of Education - Coursework

    School of Chemical Engineering
    Master of Science (Chemical Engineering) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor Of Philosophy - Research

    School of Mechanical Engineering
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    School of Civil Engineering
    Master of Science (Environmental Engineering (C17)) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Structural Engineering (C26)) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science (Sustainble River Management) - Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    River Engineering & Urban Drainage Research Centre (REDAC)
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    Master of Science (Electronic Systems Design Engineering) - Coursework / Mixed Mode
    Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy - Research

    School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering
    Master of Science (Materials Engineering) - Mixed Mode

    National Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence
    Master of Science In Advanced Computer Networks and
    Doctor of Philosophy - Research
    - Next Generation Multimedia Communications and Telemedicine
    - Advanced Internet Security and Monitoring
    - Next Generation Internet and IPv6
    - Satellite and Wireless Communication
    - Advanced Virtual Reality
    - Cellular Mobile Technologies

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-07-27, 9:04 am