منتديات الجنة

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتديات الجنة

منتديات الجنة منتدى عراقي يهتم بالطلبة العراقيين والشباب العراقي ... منوع اجتماعي خدمي

    Jokes about Americans 2016

    نائب المدير العام
    نائب المدير العام

    الجنس : ذكر
    الانتساب الانتساب : 19/06/2009
    العمر العمر : 30
    المساهمات المساهمات : 14331
    نقاط التميز نقاط التميز : 31718
    تقيم المستوى تقيم المستوى : 99

    Jokes about Americans 2016 Empty Jokes about Americans 2016

    مُساهمة من طرف AlJna 2012-08-26, 12:52 am

    A Canadian couple was strolling through a park in
    London and sat down on a bench next to an elderly Briton. The Brit noticed their
    lapel pins sporting the Canadian flag and, to make conversation, said "Judging
    by your pins, you must be Canadians".

    "Indeed we are", replied the Canadian gentleman.

    "I hope you won't mind my asking," said the Brit,
    "but what do the two red bars on your flag represent?"

    "Well," replied the Canadian gentlman, "one of the
    bars stands for the courage and hardiness of our people in settling the cold
    expanses and broad prairies of our country. The other is for the honesty and
    integrity for which Canadians are known."

    The Brit mulled this over and nodded. Having poor
    eyesight at his advanced age, and not being familiar with maple leaves, he then
    asked, "And what's that six-pointed item in the middle of your flag?"

    "Oh, that's to remind us of the six words of our
    national motto," the Canadian lady piped up.

    The Brit asked, "And what are those six words?"

    The Canadian smiled and replied, "They are 'Don't
    blame us - we're not Americans.'"

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 2024-09-28, 6:30 am